Jagged Alliance 2 is one of my favourite turn-based strategy games, in fact one of my fave's of all time
Thanks to the devs, beta testers and donators who helped me port this.
Gameplay changes since beta 3:
• Quickload (Alt-L) is now enabled during enemy turns.
• Press SHIFT to skip through militia turns (useful for stealing guns from dying enemies)
Other improvements since beta 3:
• Easy "data" folder importing. Simply drop your JA2 "data" folder into appdata/ja2strac-qcast/ (more info below)
• Icon, preview images and readme added.
Installation instructions:
You will need the original datafiles from a windows install or linux JA2 CDs.
IMPORTANT: These files must all be in _lowercase_, including the folder name itself, i.e. "data" not "Data" and "maps.slf" not "Maps.slf".
A first-time installation is configured as follows:
1. Run PND once.
2. Copy your JA2 datafiles "data" folder to appdata/ja2strac-qcast/
3. Run PND again, the game should load