Why did I goto PAX?
For this project to stay alive after the KickStarter it needs exposure to attract more developers Indie and Commercial alike so the console library will be always evolving and growing.
It was also a place to make connections with other vendors to make the console and it's experience better for everyone.
I stated the amount of consoles shipped at PAX and met a lot of kewl KickStarter backers in the process.
They also got to have a hands on experience with the hardware and it gave a good grueling test of the hardware in the four days and all units were still working and in good condition. So it was a good test of wear and tear on the system.
Did consoles ship while I was gone to PAX?
Yes as stated in update I made a deal with a local shipping house and fedex to do shipping also so consoles continue to ship. I will still continue to ship also to boost the numbers and ensure shipping gets out there.
I understand everyone wants their pledge reward and I will do my best to ensure you get them as soon as possible. But to not answer e-mails from other Vendors, KickStarter Backers, and new fans would make this project for nothing as we would have nothing after fulfilling the KickStarter pledges.
I have to take the time to reply to e-mails trivial or just information or concerns to just ignore them would be rude and counter productive to the project and the purpose of KickStarting it in the first place.
Alot of projects not naming any are way over their expected dates it's not an excuse just a fact all of the projects for most part are just like me one to three people operations on logistics side with a great idea and the ability to produce the product.
The stalemate to the equation is getting it out to everyone and staying in budget you have from KickStarter funds you raised.
We've had our delays in this project let there be no doubt and have tried our best to navigate through them with as little effect to you the backers as we can.
This project means alot to me hence I have put mostly my own funds to fund development and produce the prototypes that were shown and even now after the KickStarter pledge portion has ended.
I funded PAX out of my own money just as I'm funding and covering the excess cost of shipping that has arisen due to delays and the swap of D-Pads and buttons shipping costs back to China then back to the States.
Once again thank your for your faith in the project and your pledge to make this project/start-up a reality with out you and the early adopters this dream would have died along time ago.
Please read these to get a better understanding of what KickStarter purpose and what it is for: http://www.kickstarter.com/hello http://www.kickstarter.com/blog/is-lateness-failure http://www.kickstarter.com/blog/kick...is-not-a-store