You may have already seen some scenes from Unnamed Monkey Game in the
GCW Zero presentation video. Now its official: Not only will Unnamed
Monkey Game be one of the first commercial titles available for the
GCW Zero, the GCW will actually come bundled with a playable demo. And
more yet, the GCW version will have exclusive content! One whole
world, available only to buyers of the GCW Zero!
So what is Unnamed Monkey Game? Its a platformer, with charming
4-shades-of-green graphics, proper chiptune music that will have you
humming for days, attention to detail and tight fine-tuned controls.
It is still under development, with the full version hopefully to be
released later this year, most likely following its own KickStarter
You can find more information on UMG at
Also watch the great video review by Nick Nillo: