I have just released a new version of the Gmu Music Player.
The two most notable new features are internet streaming audio support and a graphical spectrum analyzer.
Changes since the last release include:
» Internet streaming audio support on network-enabled devices (for web radio, currently mp3 only)
» Graphical spectrum analyzer
» Support for PLS playlist files
» Fixed time display bug for very long playtimes
» Window icon for platforms running Gmu in a windowed environment
» Per default Gmu's file browser now advances to the next file when adding a file (optional)
Probably less interesing for the ordinary user:
» Configurable verbosity on stdout (with the -v flag)
To play an internet audio stream all you have to do is save the playlist file (M3U or PLS format) of the web radio station with your web browser and copy it to your device, then add the file to Gmu's playlist just like you would add an ordinary audio file.