I just officially released HotFix 2 for our current OS version (Zaxxon).
This HotFix can be installed on any Zaxxon system, regardless if it is just brand new or has HotFix Pack 1, HotFix Pack 2 Beta or skeezix MiniMenu patch installed.
It will only updated what needs to be updated.
If you already installed the Beta Version of HotFix 2: The only change is some permissions of /etc/pointercal (from 777 to 666), a fix as Evince and Gigolo PND-Scripts got mixed up and I forgot to include the new script for the LCD-State-Saving. If you want to have that fixed, simply install the final version of HotFix Pack 2.
To install it, simply download the .PND-Package and place it into either the /pandora/menu or /pandora/desktop - Folder on your SD-Card.
Simply start it and follow the on-screen instructions. You can remove the .PND-Package from the card once it has been installed.
This package includes the following fixes:
Hotfix 1:
* Kernel: Fixed a bug that caused the Linux Systemtimer to halt sometimes
* Included missing packages: python-shell_2.6.4, python-pygtk_2.16.0, python-pycairo_1.4.0, gnome-vfs-plugin-http_2.24.1, gnome-vfs-plugin-ftp_2.24.1
Hotfix 2:
* Bluetooth: Disabling and restoring state on startup now working properly
* XFCE4: When switching from MiniMenu to XFCE4, the settings are now properly loaded
* Brightness-State: When shutting down, a brightness level of 0 is not saved
* MiniMenu: Fixed caching and closed a memory leak
* Automount: Now using umask 0 and noatime. Unmounting is using Lazy Mount.
* Interfaces: Fixed the file. Now WiFi isn't disturbed by usb-network anymore
* WiFi: LEDs now working
* Kernel: Video: don't force waiting for refresh
* MiniMenu: XFCE4-Apps now included in MiniMenu
* New: Boost, Lua5.1 and Evince
* New: Script to change the LCD refresh rate from 50 / 60 Hz (ideal for emulators)
* Some typo fixes and general tweaks