Just after we started shipping the first Pandoras, we found out that some Python packages had gone missing in the OS - and that the kernel had one bug.
We fixed those problems already, so we suggest you install the HotFix package when you receive your Pandora.
If you don't install the package, Python games like Angry Drunken Dwarfs will not run.
Aditionally, we released the Community Codec Package, which installs Gnome-MPlayer and a lot of restricted codecs which allow you to play videos and audio.
Due to licensing issues, we can't include them in the normal OS installation, that's why we released that codec pack.
Some programs like Exaile won't run without it.
Installing both packages is easy: Simply put them into either the /pandora/menu or /pandora/desktop-Directory of your SD Card, start them, enter your password and follow the on-screen instructions.
After it's installed, you can remove the PND-Files.