Some might've seen I haven't posted much since Wednesday... I had a lot of work in my other job, so I'm sorry for the lack of updates.
This means, that I'm late again with telling you guys the latest status from CircuitCo - the numbers I'll post here are the status from March 29th.
Basically, they finished and shipped 200 more boards to UK within one week.
Production and repairments are working side by side, the 73 boards that had LCD issues have been fixed, for example.
Well, here is the quick overview from one week ago. The numbers in (brackets) are the ones I last posted, so you can see what happened.
Boards shipped to us so far: 2603 (2403) Boards currently being tested: 130 (177) Boards left to build: 410 (550) Boards currently being debugged (more info below): 404 (447) Boards currently being touched up: 313 (293)
Here are more in-depth infos for you guys:
Boards with LCD issues: 0 (73) Boards with SD Card Slot 2 issues: 22 (22) Boards with various issues (audio, nubs, etc.) but booting fine: 106 (76) Boards that need to be reworked (as mentioned above): 150 (150) Boards that don't boot: 126 (126)