Back with good news
Wednesday, 04 August 2010 17:05 EvilDragon I just came back from my vacation today - now I'm fuelled up again and ready to do more work. And, as promised, more news about what's happening!
Well, it seems I missed some good stuff - Craig got more than 100 boards and all nubs are working! He already built those units and shipped out most of them, so there will be more Pandoras out there in the wild.
When are the next boards coming? Shouldn't take too long. The board production company first wanted to ship us a small batch so we can test if we are okay with the nubs now (they don't want to desolder many more, I suppose).
We are okay with them! So production is finally starting up again
I also got the next LCD cable shipment so that I can solder the speakers to them.
Here's a picture of the box. There are four cables in each bag.
How many LCD cables do you think are in there?
LCD Cables in a...
Softwarewise, a few nice things have happened: UAE4ALL does now support Pinball Dreams and Fantasies (special graphics mode as well as a special Flipper-Button mapping) as well as HAM, Hires AND mouse via touchscreen! The pocketable Amiga is becoming better.
Also, GLBasic 8 Beta already supports the Pandora. Another easy coding language can now be used to create games and apps.
So... production starting again, nice software updates, and I'll continue to work on the Hotfix tonight. That's the kind of blog entries I like to make!