August 12th, 2012, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
As you might know, we had a second run of PCBs using the DM3730, and we trashed another PCBs with different methods (so it's about 120 non-working PCBs alltogether... whew, that's some money).
However, GC did it again: One of the methods proved to be reliable - and has a failure rate of less than 5%.
Which means:
We can now both produce 1GHz and 600MHz units at production speed (means: 250 units per week!)
The only thing left now is to sell them - that's where you all can help. Share the word, show others your Pandora if you like it, etc.
We're having a big booth at the GamesCom next week which will surely also trigger quite a few more sales.
Every 1GHz order finances one old preorder, every three 600MHz orders finance one old preorder as well.
I'll send the next 40 1GHz units to Craig tomorrow as well as 22 600MHz units. I'll also ship 30 1GHz units to my customers tomorrow (need some left for the GamesCom, of course), and when I come back from the GamesCom, I should have a lot more units from GC lying at home which will then be sent to the remaining preorders.
So I guess in about two weeks we'll have both the 1GHz and 600MHz units available from stock - and then some more 256MB CC-units, when I find more time to fix the remaining PCBs. These will be the units for little money.
Thanks for your patience - and now it's time to take on the world
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