Posted By: wraggster
The Pandora as i mentioned some time ago will have some updated features, heres the details posted over at gp32x
Just to confirm every Pandora will have the 256MB.
Any delays are still down to the LCDs, we have 640 and the rest are coming when ready.
The two main reasons for the upgrade were 1) being to give some compensation for any fuss we cause with asking some people to reorder and 2) being that we can see where this project (and ARM chipsets in general) might be going and the advantages the extra RAM will give us in this area.
We never really imagined running things like Ubuntu so 128MB seemed fine as 256MB was not available and when it was it was initially so expensive as to be impossible.
But then after the Ubuntu 'buzz' and many long late night chats about it we decided it was worth it, the price came down just enough (after some long negotiations) for us to do it in time.
As you all know we are now making no money on the first batch and it has become more of a love of what we are doing and getting the Pandora out there.
Doom3 anyone?
very interesting time for Pandora Preorderers