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April 19th, 2010, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
Two years ago this month, the open-source Pandora handheld missed its first ship date. To their credit, the GP2X community had a working dev board, but the handheld's DS Lite-like case was nowhere to be found, and things have generally progressed at a glacial pace ever since. However, in February, a spark of hope arrived in the form of dev units, and this week, it appears the last lingering snags are finally being undone. The above image is a pair of honest-to-goodness mass produced Pandoras with painted, hopefully final cases; and at the official Pandora blog, the team reports that it now has fully functioning drivers for every component, has resumed production on the mainboards, and intends to ship both cases and boards to the UK soon for final assembly. Everything seems to be finally coming together. At this point, it would take a disaster of biblical proportions -- say, a volcanic eruption -- to stop Pandora buyers from lifting lids later this year.
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April 15th, 2010, 17:35 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://0xff.akop.org/2010/04/14/spark-buzzing-along/
Reception for version 1.1 of Spark has been overwhelmingly positive – thanks to all of you who left positive reviews on Android Market. My 360 decided to thank me for my efforts by finally RROD‘ing, so while I wait “two to three” of the longest weeks for my console to be repaired, I don’t have much of a choice but to continue working on Spark. To whet your interest, here are some previews of what may be coming in the next release.
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April 14th, 2010, 20:19 Posted By: wraggster
There's nothing better than a simple solution to a complex problem, and for Droid owners that problem is a keyboard that's not exactly well-suited for gaming. Having a D-pad is great, but having it on the wrong side is a bummer. The Game Gripper moves it over to a more appropriate position on the left and adds another eight buttons to boot, instantly converting one of the best Android handsets on the market into one of the best gaming handsets. From what we can tell the Gripper buttons simply press the keys below on the keyboard and, while we're guessing resulting button feel doesn't live up to professional gamer standards, we're decidedly intrigued -- especially for $15. If you're not convinced, check out the demo video after the break, but be prepared to be humming the Super Mario World theme to yourself all day before clicking that play button.
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April 14th, 2010, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.open-pandora.org/index.ph...emid=2&lang=en
Well, it looks like I have to revise my last blogpost, as Michael did know a lot more that WAS already happening than I did. And a lot of questions arosed which I also want to reply.
So, here is a nice addition to my last blog entry:
1. As said, doing the mod in Turkey was just an OPTION to make things faster, it was NOT set yet (never said that). As it looks, the decision has already been made and the boards are already on their way to UK! (Yay!)
2. Another new thing I didn't know yet is that the board production for the rest of the 4000 has already been resumed. Makes sense, as the WiFi issue has been resolved.
3. The cases are going to be shipped on April 17th to UK if they WON'T be painted or April 20th IF they will be painted. After all, the paint is applied AFTER the production, so we can say either DO IT or DON'T do it - depending on how far things are setup in UK and how well everything does fit in the painted case.
I hope that makes things a lot clearer - there were a lot of things I didn't know yet. I did send an email to the team asking for the latest information yesterday, but it seems due to the timzeones it didn't quite make it in time, so I could only post what I knew we were evaluating.
Sorry for all the inconvenience... now, let's get back to anticipate the Pandora!
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April 14th, 2010, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.open-pandora.org/index.ph...emid=2&lang=en
Here we go with the latest updates for the hungry masses!
First, my apologies for not updating the site a lot. That WiFi issue really did wear me out, I wasn't able to do much during that time. We all were a bit demotivated, but now that WiFi's working, we've recovered and are working fullspeed ahead!
Sorry for that, but after all, we're only human beings, too... and after years of constant work on the Pandora and our normal jobs... well, things can get a bit hard.
1. The hardware
Michael has finished working on WiFi and did manage to get it working quite well. Stable websurfing at about 500 KB/s. He tried webbrowsing, streaming music, etc.
This put our minds on ease, we really were quite scared when we found out about WiFi.
We now got FULLY WORKING HARDWARE, as we got drivers for EVERY component!
As can be seen on this picture, there's a lot of boxes shipping to UK. Some might go to Turkey, as Fatih got hold of a company who usually does laptop repairs, and they might help to fix the WiFi on the already produced 700 boards to speed things up a bit.
Boxes full of B...
This whole WiFi issue did throw as back a few weeks - but I hope you all do agree it's better we took the two weeks finding out what the problem was. Otherwise, you would've been gotten Pandoras with broken WiFi... not a good idea, if you ask me.
This seemed to happen for a big, well-known company whose latest product has serious WiFi issues (and WiFi working much worse than ours...)
We rather ship you something working - even if it did delay things by two or three more weeks!
2. The cases
While Michael was working on WiFi, the Chinese were working on increasing the case quality.
And we really do think it was worth the extra time - especially the final one that has some paint added looks spot-on!
Way better than anything we've seen before!
Was it worth it? That's up to decide for yourself. We sure do think so.
Unfortunately, adding paint did lead to one thing that has to be done: As it makes the case a bit thicker, Michael needs to approve that case and therefore is waiting for a sample.
To speed production up, Fatih will visit the company in China if necessary to make sure they won't mess around more but start shipping!
They still have a few days to ship, as applying the WiFi fix to the boards will take a while.
One thing that might interest you: You might have seen that they also painted a pink version of the Pandora... Michael will most probably put a Rev 4 board in and sell it on eBay soon!
Yep, that Prototype will probably be out shortly before we assemble and ship!
So if you want to own this case, keep your eyes on our blog!
Oh, some might think Painting is cheating... well, not really.
A lot of companies actually do it that way - and it doesn't wear off. Remember the old Nintendo DS? Not the DS Lite, but the old silvergrey one? I got one. Never had a carry case, it's really scratched (even the LCD is scratched).
But only on one corner it can be seen it's painted - and only because the base plastic color was white.
So black with black won't wear off - don't worry. It will simply LOOK better.
3. The software
I'm currently doing a lot of neat scripts while DJWillis prepare the image for the NAND.
Today I did create an LCD Gamma Manager - a small tool where you can create, load and save various LCD Gamma settings. I also created one that looks like an old CRT TV. Really cool - emulation on a handheld has never looked better!
To check out what's happening on the OS, simply go to http://git.openpandora.org
As Midori was a bit unstable and FireFox eating up RAM, we changed browsers once again. Arora is now included in the OS. Fast, without any rendering issues and it didn't crash yet for me.
The OS is getting more and more complete.
That's it for now - as soon as I know any more information (shipping dates for the cases, dates when we all meet in England, etc.), I'll inform you!
And sorry to my German readers: I'll translate the post tomorrow, it's 5:50 am now, I want to go to bed...
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April 13th, 2010, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
WebKit's all well and good, but every once in a while there's a reason why you've got to pull out the Old Standby, right? Once reserved for the Maemo Elite, Firefox is slowly spreading from pocket to pocket, and webOS is mercifully the latest to get hooked up. We don't know the full backstory here yet -- it looks like you can't download a user-friendly package right now -- but this'll undoubtedly be a good option when the Pre's in-built browser simply won't do. It's not an official port we're looking at, but let's be honest: the community does a better job half the time, right?
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April 13th, 2010, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://0xff.akop.org/2010/04/11/spar...-1-1-released/
New version includes:
Game and achievement comparisons
Background tasks – friend management and message sending can now be done in the background
Improved high-resolution device support. Spark should look much better on Nexus One and Motorola Droid
A lot of small fixes
New icon
Note that this version does not fix the message sending bug I mentioned in an earlier post – I still need help to track down the issue.
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April 12th, 2010, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
dazedNconfuzed noted an update in the ongoing rumor train about the Google iPad Competitor. It would be based on Android (not ChromeOS) and supposedly Eric Schmidt was telling people about it at a party in LA recently. If any Googlers want to leak me s3cr3t information, I promise anonymity, though without an actual product, price or date it's tough to get really excited. But the iPad clearly has significant limitations that someone else can capitalize on.
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April 12th, 2010, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
Former SCEA man Mark DeLoura has been named as Google's 'developer advocate' for video games, and is set to start in the new position today. This appointment marks the first time the Google has hired somebody to a specific games development role.
“I personally feel that Google hiring someone specifically to focus on games is a signal from the company that they recognise the growing importance of games as a medium,” DeLoura said to Gamasutra.
"Now how do we make it easier for developers to express themselves and share the experiences they create?" The position of developer advocate for games at Google is "both inward- and outward-facing," he added.
DeLoura previously worked as VP of Technology for Green Screen Interactive and manager of developer relations at Sony Computer Entertainment America.
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April 11th, 2010, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for Pandora:
Exaile is a music manager and player for GTK+ written in Python. It incorporates automatic fetching of album art, lyrics fetching, Last.fm scrobbling, support for many portable media players, internet radio such as shoutcast, and tabbed playlists.
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April 10th, 2010, 14:12 Posted By: wraggster
In the absence of a full, editable version of Documents To Go (DataViz still hasn't released it), this might be of some serious interest to the Palm community -- or those that are willing to muck around a bit, anyway. X.org's X server implementation has been successfully shoehorned onto a Pre, meaning that we're well on our way to being able to run arbitrary Linux-based X11 apps on our phones -- including the mighty OpenOffice, as demonstrated here. It seems we're still a ways off yet; the devs have some file system issues to work through, which they say will likely take "weeks to months, rather than days" to fix, but it's a promising start. What, you'd never dreamed of running a desktop office suite on a 3.1-inch display?
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April 7th, 2010, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.summeli.fi/?p=1584
This blog has been pretty quiet lately, and maybe you’re wondering why there has been no releases lateley Well, I have been snowboarding the last month, so I really haven’t made any progress. I still have a lot of photo’s and videos to edit, which will keep me away from my emulator projects for a while.. But soon the releases will be coming at the usual speed
As I said earlier the future of my emulators is in the Qt. The works is proceeding really well. The AntSnesQt is only missing style sheet, and then I could release it. Actually I already have started the gpsp port with the same Qt based UI. The gpsp requires few SDL-alike functions to be mapped into the UI, but I can mostly reuse the stuff I made for the AntSnes.
I haven’t abandoned the psx4symbian port, but I’m really not working on it neither. The proof of concept was made in couple of hours after the gpsp port, and my plan is to reuse all the gpsp stuff again to make that one. This should be quite fast to thing to do after I have the gpsp running on Qt.
Why not to make the psx4all port at first, and then work with gpsp and AntSnes? The psx4all video has already over 10 000 views on youtube, and it seems like a pretty popular project. My reasoning here is that I don’t believe that current S60 5th edition phones could emulate the psx4all with decent speed. There’s no technical issued preventing you to run the upcoming psx4all port with current 5th edition phones too, but my personal goal is to run the psx4all with Symbian^3 phones.
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April 7th, 2010, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.open-pandora.org/index.ph...emid=2&lang=en
Finally - a new blog post. Did take a real long time, since there was so much we needed to figure out first.
Okay, here is what happened:
1. The WiFi issue - finally resolved
A lot of guys have probably already followed this on the boards: notaz was working on the WiFi driver and still couldn't get it to work reliable. As he didn't know what else to try, he thought it could also be a hardware issue - of course, that got us alarmed. Michael immediately stopped the board production (700 had been produced so far back then) to first do more tests with WiFi. We were totally in the dark. If you ever wanted to know how sudden death feels... well, we do know for sure yet.
Michael did begin investigating the hardware while notaz did more tests and tweaks with the software. A kernel which disabled everything except WiFi did get a bit more speed out of the WiFi, but it still was very slow. Was it the driver causing problems when other stuff was running? Or was it the hardware? We still didn't know for sure.
As we didn't know, we decided we will get some WiFi sticks for the beginning and ask every customer whether he wanted to get the Pandora with a stick and internal WiFi that might be fixable by software or maybe needs a hardware fix later.
Then, at one time, we found out that WiFi was faster on Rev2/3 boards then on the recent Rev4/5 boards - pretty weird, as nothing had been changed in these revisions that could affect WiFi. Except the board manufacturer. Using that clue, we figured out that the impedance of one trace had been changed. The impedance is important here, as a wrong impedance will distort the signal and then the module doesn't get a clean clock. Measuring the clock signal did prove that: Yep, the impedance had been changed.
Who's fault was it? Hard to tell. The company had changed that trace without asking, but we also didn't explicitely say it needs to have a correct back. So it's a hard thing, the trace is working, it was just not good enough for the signal.
Knowing that, Michael did work on it for a couple of days, doing some trial and error (not much you can't do unless you do know the exact new impedance).
He got it working better - but still not good enough to really be usable - was this due to software? Or still hardware?
So he started to work on a new testing board (Rev6) which could also be used as new board for the rest of the 3300 Pandoras if it fixes WiFi.
While doing that, he had another idea - modded another Rev5 board and got a HUGE speed increase! On minimal kernel, he can get 350KB/s, on normal image he gets 66KB/s stable speed (tested downloading from the internet. That fix is easy: Simply piggyback a resistor on top of an existing one. Takes about 1 - 2 minutes. And the rest of the 3300 boards can be populated with the new resistor immediately, so that fix won'tl be needed on them.
Speed can probably still be improved - Michael just found out about that yesterday, he will try to tweak more (or even combine the two mods) during the next days, until he leaves for UK to start assembling (he will do the modification of each board while assembling).
Finally! That news did make us more alive again, we were really suffering during the last days...
2. The cases
Since board production had been stopped for a while, we allowed the Chinese guys to tweak the case moulds a bit more. As you might have seen on the latest image, the bottom part (with the keyboard) looks spot-on right now - however, the top part still has some weird discoloration. No problem with stability here, just looks a bit weird if you look closely.
3. The OS - ready for first release
The latest image had been tested a lot by all of us already. It is pretty stable, has some minor issues (like you need to restart after calibrating the touchscreen at the moment... no biggie, I only needed to calibrate once in the last four months).
It has a working browser, eMail client, IRC, ICQ, MSN, etc. everything you need for normal life.
There is room for speed improvement in the future, SDL is not using hardware surfaces yet, but that will follow.
Also, boot process will be further optimized and will use Upstart to be a lot faster.
If you don't like a fancy desktop system, you can also use some minimal GUIs. We also designed that system to be configurable, so as soon as anyone codes a new GUI, it can easily be included by simply changing a config file.
The libpnd system is also working nicely: download a PND onto your SD Card and it will automatically appear in the menu (or on the desktop). Games will be sorted into categories, every dev can include a documentation in his PND so you can easily check the manual or installation settings, etc. Really convenient.
Of course, the categories, icons, etc. can be overriden, in case you want to have your own ones.
One thing you should not expect from the beginning is (as said before) accellerated movie playing (and therefore, also youtube movie playing).
This does need a new kernel and is on our TO-Do list for the next firmware release, which will be worked on as soon as the first one is ready to go on the NAND.
You can also help us testing then, as you can install the new beta image on an SD Card and try it out.
As the image is working well already, devs already concentrate to port more things. At the moment, we got fullspeed Amiga 500 emulation (without frameskip) at 500MHz, fullspeed Genesis and MegaCD, fullspeed C64 (Vice!) on 500 MHz without any frameskip, VCS2600, Colecovision, Atari ST, ... tons of stuff to play. Skeezix is also porting PocketSNES, so fullspeed SNES will also work when you get your unit.
PandoraPanic (minigames created by members of the GP32x.com community) is working nice, FreeDink, some PyGame-Games, etc. have also been ported already.
Overall, you will get a good working first release OS which still leaves a lot of room for improvements.
4. The current situation
We lost two weeks due to that WiFi issue, but now that this has been resolved being a fixable hardware issue, Michael told the company yesterday to ship out all the produced boards we have as soon as possible to UK. Additionally, Fatih told the Chinese to do the same: Produce the cases as they are now and ship them!
DJWillis is working on making the image NAND-installable, so yes, you might see us assembling them on webcam soon!
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April 7th, 2010, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for Pandora:
BattleJewels is a Puzzle-Action-RPG.
Plays like popular jewel games, but is played head to head against a never-ending sequence of enemies. Experience points are gained towards levelling up, and gear may be purchased, and skills and spells may be learned.
Multiplayer is coming!
Download Here
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April 7th, 2010, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for Pandora:
Pandora SD Card Images Volumes 1+2 (BMP+PSD, separated/contact sheet for easy print).
Same as 1st three posts, but joined and repacked with 7-Zip archiver (6+MB vs 11+MB).
Linux, OS X, Amiga, Dos...:
Use it as regular 7-Zip archive (*.7z)
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April 6th, 2010, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
ScummVM has been updated, heres what it is for those who dont know what it is:
ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!
Some of the adventures ScummVM supports include Adventure Soft's Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2; Revolution's Beneath A Steel Sky and Broken Sword I & II; Flight of the Amazon Queen; Wyrmkeep's Inherit the Earth; Coktel Vision's Gobliiins; Westwood Studios' The Legend of Kyrandia and games based on LucasArts' SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) system such as Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max and more. You can find a thorough list with details on which games are supported and how well on the compatibility page. ScummVM is continually improving, so check back often.
Its out for most consoles we cover which are:
Nintendo DS
Apple Iphone/Ipod Touch
S60/UIQ Phones
Heres the release news:
Another 4 months passed, a lot of hard work done... and finally it is here: ScummVM 1.1.0 is available now on our downloads page.
There are some pretty exciting new features: We added support for 16bit graphics, which allowed us to add support for a whole bunch of newer Humongous Entertainment games for kids. We also added or improved support for the Amiga versions of Monkey Island, Legend of Kyrandia and Future Wars. Plus there are two completely new engines for the games Dragon History (available for free from here) and TeenAgent (available for free from GOG.com). And finally there is now a port for the Nintendo 64 game console!
Take a look at the release notes if you want to know a bit more.
There is one grain of salt, though: If you want to play Nippon Safes Inc, we recommend that you stick with your current ScummVM version for now, as there are some nasty regressions in there which may even make it impossible to complete the game. Also the background music in Pajama Sam 1 isn't working correctly in the Kitchen and Mine areas anymore.
We are not happy about that, but in the end decided that we should not let this hold up the other new cool stuff we added. Instead, we will follow up this release in about four weeks with a 1.1.1 release that should fix these issues. In fact, you can help us make 1.1.1 even better by reporting any bugs you might encounter in 1.1.0.
Heres whats new in this release:
1.1.0 (2010-04-04)
New Games:
- Added support for Blue's Art Time Activities.
- Added support for Blue's Reading Time Activities.
- Added support for Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove.
- Added support for Pajama Sam: Games to Play on Any Day.
- Added support for SPY Fox 3: Operation Ozone.
- Added support for Dragon History.
- Added support for TeenAgent.
- Added support for a custom SJIS font for FM-TOWNS and PC98 games.
- Added support for 16bit graphics. (GSoC Task)
- Removed QuickTime MIDI backend on Mac OS X; it was buggy and did not
compile on modern systems.
- Added support for Amiga style menus for Amiga versions of Future Wars.
- Added support for the Amiga version of The Legend of Kyrandia.
(sound support was done as a GSoC Task)
- Adapted KYRA to support the custom SJIS font.
- Added support for the PC-Engine version of Loom.
- Added support for music and sound effects in the the Amiga version of
The Secret of Monkey Island. (GSoC Task)
- Fixed some other bugs related to game versions for the Amiga.
- Added support for original save/load dialog in MM NES.
- Added support for savepoint passcodes for Sega CD MI1 via debugger command 'passcode'
- Added support for Kanji rendering in Japanese version of Monkey Island Sega CD.
Thanks to the ScummVM guys for one of the premier homebrew releases this year
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March 26th, 2010, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
Looking to harness the real power inside of your Pre (or Pre Plus) -- and you've upgraded to webOS 1.4? If that's the case, you're going to love what a couple of Palm-loving hackers have come up with. Namely, a major overclock kernel patch for the device which boosts the CPU speed from a measly 500MHz all the way up to a finger-searing 800MHz (there's also a more tame 720MHz variation available). The two phone magicians, unixpsycho and caj2008, had previously tapped into the power of the Pre's CPU on webOS 1.3.5 with a small file that can be semi-easily installed using WebOSQuickInstall and a tiny bit of Linux command-line activity, and now it's on for 1.4. So far, it looks like phones being tested with the somewhat risky tweak haven't experienced too much of the normally expected issues (crashes, freezing, phones exploding). Also a surprise is the fact that the creators of the hack say battery life drain is only an additional 2-4 percent hit... though if you're already struggling to make it through a day, this could be the nail in the coffin. We installed the patch on a Verizon Pre Plus, and we definitely observed a noticeable bump in app load times and improved fluidity when working with the phone -- though we've already had one major crash. If you don't mind possibly destroying your phone and must have a faster device right now, you can check out the patch in action and learn how to get it yourself in the video after the break.
Update: This is the same patch we covered for 1.3.5, but now available for 1.4. Sorry for any confusion!
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