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June 15th, 2010, 01:48 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for Pandora
Chromium is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all users to experience the web. This site contains design documents, architecture overviews, testing information, and more to help you learn to build and work with the Chromium source code.
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June 13th, 2010, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for Pandora
This modifies your Pandora OS (after backing up) to make SD cards to use a write cache and therby increase write speeds dramatically, at the price of a risk of data corruption if the SD card is removed or otherwise interrupted from writing fully.
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June 11th, 2010, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
I've been thinking about Andrew Bud a lot this week. It's not a romantic thing. And it's not to do with envy of his lustrous hair (although God knows what pain that causes me). No, this is all about something far more exciting: data charges.
Yeah, baby.
Now, anyone who's been to any kind of mobile content conference in the last few years will know that towards the end of the event, Andrew Bud (exec chair of mBlox and chair of the MEF) will ask this question:
"You guys have been banging on about the wonderful future for music streaming/liveTV/online gaming (delete as appropriate), but no one has mentioned the effect this will have on the network – and who's going to pay for all that bandwidth."
You can set your watch by it.
And he's bloody right!
Yet still the operators went on with their unlimited data plans, watching as their networks slowed to a crawl while data revenues became as squeezed and commoditised as voice and text were before them.
Well, this week they woke up.
First AT&T and then O2UK announced plans for a more transparent data pricing model tied to usage.
Of course, O2 could have said 'we're in a right pickle – never dreamed that this whole mobile web thing would actually take off'.
But it didn't. Instead, it dressed this up as a tremendous boon for customers claiming that, based on current usage patterns, 97 per cent of them would not need to buy additional data allowances, as the lowest bundle (500MB) provides at least 2.5 times the average current use.
I'm sure this is true. Needless to say, though, not everyone agreed. There's been some carping from experts on the blogs about inconsistencies in the pricing. Probably true too.
What's been less commented upon is whether this can make any difference to congestion, which is the core problem here.
O2 may succeed in reining in the heaviest users, but as telco analyst Dean Bubley pointed out to me today, the real issue is not the overall volume of data but where and when it's consumed.
There's a huge difference between thousands of people streaming live TV in various meadows across the country at 4am and thousands browsing simple web pages in central London at 4pm.
Although he acknowledged that the new pricing could bring in extra cash to make some short term improvements to the network, the serious changes will take much longer. In the meantime, this is a 'sledgehammer to crack a nut'.
Of course, another route through which operators can monetise data is to get suppliers to buy it 'wholesale'. This is the 'sender-pays' model so beloved of Mr Bud.
As I understand it, such conversations have taken place, but not everyone is on board. I'm told YouTube, for example, laughed at the idea of paying for the bandwidth its mobile users consumer, but proposed sharing some ad revenue back to the operators.
Now, that is fascinating.
On the one hand, there could be huge future revenues in it. Very tempting.
On the other? Well, there's two words for it.
Dumb and pipe.
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June 11th, 2010, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster
O2 is the latest big mobile operator to axe its unlimited data tariffs, following US carrier AT&T's similar decision.
O2 is describing its change as "a more transparent pricing model tied to usage", and claims that 97% of its customers won't need to buy additional data allowances based on their current usage.
The operator's smartphone tariffs - all for 24-month contracts - start at £25 which includes 100 minutes of voice calls, unlimited texts and 500MB of data.
The most expensive is the £60-a-month tariff, which includes unlimited voice calls and texts, and 1GB of data. All the tariffs include unlimited Wi-Fi connectivity via partnerships with The Cloud and BT OpenZone.
The new tariffs apply to all new and upgrading O2 smartphone customers, including iPhone owners. The operator already applies a data cap to its iPad tariffs - the most expensive £15 monthly option offers 3GB of data.
Unlimited data will continue be offered to smartphone customers as a promotion until 1 October, but after that, people going over their data limit will have to spend £5 per 500MB extra as a Bolt-On.
O2 claims that 500MB is two and a half times the average O2 customer's current use, although it's not clear if the operator means the average smartphone customer with that stat - an important distinction.
"We know that customers are looking for clarity in pricing as too many offers have clauses and catches which are not easy to understand," says CEO Ronan Dunne.
"With the wide range of Internet based services now available on mobile devices we’re providing customers with generous clear data bundles that give customers freedom. This enables us to provide a better overall experience for the vast majority of customers and to better manage demand."
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June 11th, 2010, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for Pandora
News via http://www.gp32x.com/board/index.php?showtopic=54220
Rough little port of Handy, the Atari Lynx emulator:
You will be asked for a BIOS file (lynxboot.img) at first start-up, which will be copied to appdata. You will be warned if the BIOS checksum doesn't match that which the PND expects.
D-pad: D-pad (duh)
Pause: Start
A: X
B: A
Option 1: Y
Option 2: B
Default is to run with an "LCD" effect which looks like scan lines. If you want to turn this off, make a file named "nolcd" in appdata/handy but be warned that you may need to crank up the MHz as the software rendering is pretty slow.
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June 11th, 2010, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for Pandora
A quick port of the gp2x Version of UAE4ALL.
Needs to be optimized but runs tons of games fullspeed!
Changelog 2010-06-09:
* Added PAL / NTSC LCD Timings (if HotFix 2 is installed)
* Added Mini-Documentation
* Added Kickstart-Test
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June 9th, 2010, 02:04 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.openpandora.org/index.php...emid=2&lang=en
Wow, that were some 1,5 weeks in Newcastle, building Pandoras - and meeting Craig and Fatih again after all these years. And Michael for the first time ever! Okay, and it wasn't hell - but I liked the sound of it, so I used it as blog title
(BTW: We hid a group picture somewhere...)
We had a lot of work to do. It took as a couple of days to setup everything, check out everything is okay and start building the units.
While it was A LOT of work, we also had some fun, listening to Planet Rock radio (and the ever-repeating Autoclass-commercial that really makes you go crazy if you hear it 20 times a day) while assembling the Pandoras, checking the boards for first reports on the units so we can react to anything that was going wrong as soon as possible - a wise decision, as this lead to us improving the building quality and quality checking more and more.
While the first units had some problems (you probably can see the reports on the boards - we had one with broken WiFi, a few with bad L and R buttons), we reacted immediately and improved the building process and the quality check for the rest.
We now check every single button, the controls, the touchscreen, WiFi and the speakers.
After figuring all these steps out, we managed to build 200 units within three days - which is quite a good quota as we were only three guys on that weekend (some people and community guys helped before (THANKS!), but not on that weekend.
So far, roughly 500 units have been delivered (or are on the way to the customers), while there are already some more finished and need to be tested. Of course, there are also some broken units which we need to check. If we can't fix them, they go back to Texas to be fixed. New boards are already on the way, so by the end of this week, we should probably have 700 - 800 units delivered!
That's the story so far - what about the future? When can YOU expect your Pandora?
As we now found a proper way to build the units and testing them, Craig hired a fixed team (three persons) to build the units - starting this week.
Craig will take care training them and testing the units, to keep the good quality.
The case itself is fine, it's not 100% perfect (well, I guess there is NO device which is 100% perfect), but there are no major flaws or problems. Therefore, we already ordered the next 3000 cases - this time (of course) without the painted buttons.
While we don't know yet when we'll get those cases (we'll make no guesstimates anymore with the chinese company), we're now ready to continue anytime!
And how were the receptions of the very first Pandoras?
Well, most of you followed the boards - receptions were very different. Most do love the device - but some are not content yet because there's not much software yet out there (for sure) and some have problems with their units (most of them got the very first units, that might have bad L/R buttons).
If you really have problems like hardware defects or completely unusable L/R-Buttons, feel free to contact us. We'll do anything to fix your unit.
So all in all we're pretty happy - more and more software if popping up (just got a version of the PSX emulator that is ready for a first release soon) and while most emulators aren't optimized yet, you can be sure a lot more wil happen. And the hardware turned out really good - and it's really nice reading how you guys like it and what you're already doing with it!
Thanks a lot to all you users who did bug reports - within the next days, Hotfix 2 will be ready for you which includes numerous small fixes!
And when will Batch 2 be ready?
Well, let us first finish Batch 1, okay? The lead time for electronic parts is terrible these days. We already ordered the parts for Batch 2, they will be ready in about September. Preordering will probably start within this month. The price will be a bit higher (we think about 349 USD), as we couldn't afford to build the unit otherwise, but we'll still try to keep it as low as possible for you.
We'll inform you here as soon as the preordering starts!
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June 9th, 2010, 02:02 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.gp32x.com/board/index.php...dpost&p=870543
I just officially released HotFix 2 for our current OS version (Zaxxon).
This HotFix can be installed on any Zaxxon system, regardless if it is just brand new or has HotFix Pack 1, HotFix Pack 2 Beta or skeezix MiniMenu patch installed.
It will only updated what needs to be updated.
If you already installed the Beta Version of HotFix 2: The only change is some permissions of /etc/pointercal (from 777 to 666), a fix as Evince and Gigolo PND-Scripts got mixed up and I forgot to include the new script for the LCD-State-Saving. If you want to have that fixed, simply install the final version of HotFix Pack 2.
To install it, simply download the .PND-Package and place it into either the /pandora/menu or /pandora/desktop - Folder on your SD-Card.
Simply start it and follow the on-screen instructions. You can remove the .PND-Package from the card once it has been installed.
This package includes the following fixes:
Hotfix 1:
* Kernel: Fixed a bug that caused the Linux Systemtimer to halt sometimes
* Included missing packages: python-shell_2.6.4, python-pygtk_2.16.0, python-pycairo_1.4.0, gnome-vfs-plugin-http_2.24.1, gnome-vfs-plugin-ftp_2.24.1
Hotfix 2:
* Bluetooth: Disabling and restoring state on startup now working properly
* XFCE4: When switching from MiniMenu to XFCE4, the settings are now properly loaded
* Brightness-State: When shutting down, a brightness level of 0 is not saved
* MiniMenu: Fixed caching and closed a memory leak
* Automount: Now using umask 0 and noatime. Unmounting is using Lazy Mount.
* Interfaces: Fixed the file. Now WiFi isn't disturbed by usb-network anymore
* WiFi: LEDs now working
* Kernel: Video: don't force waiting for refresh
* MiniMenu: XFCE4-Apps now included in MiniMenu
* New: Boost, Lua5.1 and Evince
* New: Script to change the LCD refresh rate from 50 / 60 Hz (ideal for emulators)
* Some typo fixes and general tweaks
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June 9th, 2010, 01:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Zodttd
Hi everyone,
With tons of pressure built up as Pandora's are making their way to people here, I must be honest in saying I've been way behind in psx4pandora development. I have spent the past while working on it though.
While I chat, download the PND file (approval probably coming shortly for the appstore) here:
Updated June 8th, 2010.
Here's what's new:
- Added frame limiting and show FPS options. Frame limiting on by default.
- Improved sound syncing/output.
- Improved audio timings.
- Added mapping to Q / P keys for L2 / R2 triggers respectively.
- Removed accidental hardcoded 600MHz overclock setting in PND packaging.
- Faster? You tell me. Remember to mention overclock settings.
How to install:
1. Place the pnd in the SD card's directory: /pandora/apps/
2. Stick the SD card in your Pandora and on the desktop you will see the psx4pandora app. Run it and choose EXIT with the B button.
3. Now that the appdata directory is created on your SD card at /pandora/appdata/psx4pandora-1/ copy the PSX BIOS file scph1001.bin (all lowercase!) and your games (BIN,IMG,ISO,Z) to that directory.
4. Run psx4pandora and choose to Load A Game. Note that loading without a BIOS isn't supported currently. Play on.
What needs work:
1. The menu system! There's a command line interface available though for a frontend if available.
2. Audio. I'm not buffering it properly. Will fix.
What may be broken:
1. Loading/Saving via memory cards. Let me know!
2. Loading/Saving via save states. Wouldn't be surprised atm, but let me know.
3. Frameskip causing flickering and odd graphic glitches. This is a known issue and is due to skipping the rendering of elements used in double buffering.
How to access the in-game menu: Press SPACE.
How to exit the app completely: My traditional press ABXY+L+R
How to press L2/R2 psx triggers: Press L/R on the Pandora then press SPACE. Will need a better solution.
Bring on the feedback and let's get this polished up.
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June 8th, 2010, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
The record-breaking moment happened on June 7th at 11:02 AM when the Geodelic location app was downloaded on an Android handset.
It makes GetJar the world’s second largest app store – behind the Apple App Store – based on downloads.
The firm launched on March 23rd 2004 as a developer resource for testing and appraising Java apps.
But in the last 18 months it has evolved into a more commercially-focused store, offering app makers a portal through which to distribute demo and full products.
What a success it's been. GetJar now provides more than 65,000 mobile apps to consumers in more than 200 countries.
Ilja Laurs, CEO and founder, GetJar, proclaimed the success of his firm's open approach. He said: “We’re delighted to have reached this milestone in mobile app history.
"We’ve supported over 60,000 apps from developers across all major platforms, and our open philosophy has been integral to our continued growth and the development within the industry. We’re looking forward to the next billion downloads.â€
The most downloaded app of all time on GetJar is Facebook’s mobile site shortcut. It has been downloaded more than 61 million times since launch late last year.
The most popular app is mobile messenger application, eBuddy, who recently surpassed a landmark 50 million downloads.
Other notable successes include the ‘Bible’ app, which was downloaded more than 398,000 times in its first month alone, and Islamic app ‘Azan’ with 1.5 million downloads.
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June 7th, 2010, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for Pandora
Star Control II: The Ur-Quan Masters is a critically-acclaimed[1][2] science fiction computer game, the second game in the Star Control trilogy. It was developed by Toys for Bob (Fred Ford and Paul Reiche III) and originally published by Accolade in 1992 for PC; it was later ported to the 3DO with an enhanced multimedia presentation, allowed by the CD technology. The source code of the 3DO port was licensed under the GNU GPL in 2002. The game still enjoys a cult following.
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June 7th, 2010, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for Pandora
The Hammer of Thyrion project is a cross-platform source port effort: We continue the development for Linux, BSD and Mac OS X people, with continued support for Windows users as well. Many bugs are fixed and even new features are added: New sound modes, improved mouse handling, improved video modes, OpenGL glows and more. You can go to our project page for more information.
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