OpenSource Handheld News - Gp2X, Dingoo, Wiz, Pandora, GCW Zero and Caanoo is a News and downloads site for Open Source Handhelds, We have all the latest emulators, hack, homebrew, commercial games and all the downloads on this site, the latest homebrew and releases, Part of the
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February 14th, 2011, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
The Pandora which went on preorder over 2 years ago, still hasnt reached all those who preordered, but heres a newspost from Evil Dragon which may calm your concerns:
No blog posts doesn't mean nothing has happened - often, it's the contrary!
If I don't post anything it means that I'm stuffed with work... and exactly that happened.
Heck, I didn't even find the time to reply to all your eMails, so I spent about 12 hours this weekend to send you over 100 eMails back!
Well, what did keep us so busy, you might ask?
Pandoras! Building them! Hundreds! Yes, it finally has happened: The production has resumed late December, and it seems it's finally going as it should've been from the start.
There were still a few minor issues with the L and R-buttons (they had been soldered too far away from the plastic) which caused us more manual labour, but about 800 units have been shipped in January, and it looks like it will roughly be the same in February.
If this pace keeps up, we're finished with Batch 1 in March / April, and after that, Batch 2 should start right away.
The software archives are also piling up, there had been about 2 - 3 releases each day during the last weeks.
It's awesome to see how easy some things are to port.
As a lot of users now got their Pandora, there are a lot of nice reviews posted on the boards. You can find them all here.
So, keep up having fun with your units, we'll try to keep shipping the liitle Pandas to the waiting owners!
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February 11th, 2011, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://dingoonity.org/
Another GB/GBC has been released for DINGUX. Thanks to www.dingoobr.com for the news.

NOTE: this is a google translation
Dingueiros Comrades,
Mizuki Ray threw for the Dingux the port Emulator Gambatte . This emulator emulates the late games handheld console Game Boy , Nintendo.
Below are the commands in the emulator:
Directional - Directional Game Boy
A - A button on the Game Boy
Y - B Button on the Game Boy
X - Save the running game on a slot
A - Speed up the game (still does not work very well)
Select - Select button on the Game Boy
Start - Start Button on the Game Boy
L - Saves the current position of the game
R - Load the saved game position
Select + Start - Exits the emulator
Discuss it here: http://www.dingoobr.com/?p=4114#more-4114
Author/Porter: Mizuki Ray
Download: http://homepage1.nifty.com/ray-mizuk...s/gambatte.zip
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February 10th, 2011, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://dingoonity.org/
This guy is a releasing machine. Here is another filemanager for DINGUX. Once again thanks to www.dingoobr.com for the news

Mizuki Ray threw for the Dingux, the program dfile . This program is a file manager and allows, in very practical ways, copy, move, delete and rename files, and also create new folders. He certainly has the same look that his "colleague" function, Dingux Commander . But like him, this program will be very handy when it comes to organizing Dingux.
Below are the commands of the program:
A - Open the folder
B - Back to the main folder
X - Move the selected object
Y - Copies the selected object
L - Displays information about the selected object
R - Display information about current space on the memory card and the size of the selected folder
Select + B - Delete file
Select + X - Rename file
Select + Y - Create a folder
Select + Start - exit the program
I want to tell here that copies files from one folder to another, it takes a considerable time to complete. Because of the program's author does not recommend doing this with a larger file size. Another important thing that should be spoken here is that the author recommends using the source VL-Gothic-Regular ( TrueType ). According to him, the program works better with this unit installed. If want to download this font,
Discuss it here: http://www.dingoobr.com/?p=4110#more-4110
Author/Porter: Mizuki Ray
Download: http://homepage1.nifty.com/ray-mizuki/software/files/dfiler.zip
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February 10th, 2011, 10:32 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Evildragon
HotFix 5 is finally nearing completion. It's pretty stable already, so we got out of the Beta-Status and into RC 1.
It's not the final one yet and might have some bugs left, but it should run mostly without issues.
The final release will only add bugfixes and no new features.
It's still not in PND-form, so flashing this puts your Pandora back to the state you got it. Be sure to backup anything you put on the internal storage if you need it.
I'll work on making a PND-HF5-Installer for the final release.
Here are the changes that happened from Beta 4 to RC1:
* Added codepages (they had been removed when AbiWord has been removed). This prevented some apps like XBMC from starting.
* Removed the community backdrops to make the image size smaller.
* Added xdotool, a pretty useful and versatile app for mapping GUI functions to the keyboard
* Added Pandora Input Tester to the System-Menu
* Input Tester: Show keys that have been pressed
* libpnd: Increased the number of apps that can be defined in a PND from 20 to 50
* op_menu: specify field width for longer usernames (this fixes the non-working Pandora-Menu button in XFCE for some users)
* Low Power Mode: Now using cpu-speed-script to properly set the CPU Speed back
* MiniMenu: Some bug fixes (Keyboard-Shortcut wasn't working, crashed with wrong categories), etc.
* MiniMenu: Added Subcategory-folders in the Main Category
* MiniMenu: Added OVR-Editor
* MiniMenu: Added the possibility to add custom categories / subcategories (otherwise, the Freedesktop-Standard is used)
As you can see, there are a LOT of good new things happening with MiniMenu, thanks a lot to skeezix for this!
MiniMenu now supports subcategories as folders. On the main tab, only the main categories are shown. The grid shows ALL programs in that category as well as all available subcategories as folders. You can go into the folder to only view the programs within that subcategory.
If you have an program selected, you can press SPACE to open an OVR editor. You can change the category / subcategory as well as the name or CPU speed.
You can also hide an app if you want.
Please test these new features of MiniMenu!
In case you haven't checked the changes of HF5 Beta 1, 2 or 3 yet, here is the link to the the Beta 1 thread, here to the Beta 2 thread, here to the Beta 3 thread and here to the Beta 4 thread.
Download the latest version here.
How to flash the image?
Easy: Download the zipped image and extract the full contents onto the root of your SD Card.
Put the SD Card into slot 1 (the left one), switch on the Pandora while holding the R-Shoulder button and select "boot from SD1:1"
The flashing process should start. After it's finished, reboot the unit.
The first boot will take a while (up to 10 minutes). Patiently wait and you'll be greeted with the First Boot Wizard.
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February 5th, 2011, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingoon...ommander-3036/
Finally a file manager for DINGUX arrives!

• Introduction
DinguxCommander is a file manager for Dingoo (Dingux).
It uses two vertical panels side by side, one being the source and the other the destination, like many 'commander-style' file managers such as Norton Commander or Midnight Commander.
DinguxCommander allows to copy, move and delete multiple files.
• Controls
Up/Down: Move the cursor up/down
Left/Right: Go to the left/right panel
L/R: Page up/page down
A: Open highlighted directory
B: Go to parent directory
Y: Select highlighted item. Selected items are displayed in red.
X: Open action menu, allowing to:
- Copy selected items to destination directory
- Move selected items to destination directory
- Delete selected items
SELECT: Open selection menu, allowing to:
- Select all items
- Select no items
- Quit program
START: Open highlighted directory in destination panel.
If a file is highlighted, open current directory in destination panel.
For more information, read file README.txt.
Discuss it here: http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingux-releases/dinguxcommander/msg27231/?topicseen#new
Author/Porter: Mia
Download: http://beyondds.free.fr/projects/DC/DinguxCommander_v1.0.tar.gz
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February 5th, 2011, 02:14 Posted By: wraggster
submitted by Dave18 I've ported across my old Spectrum emulator that I first wrote for the GP32. It's available on Pandora File Archive here
It uses Notaz's SDL for full screen and hardware scaling (thanks for the advice on using the fb for vsync) and will try to change the LCD refresh rate to 50hz (but changes it back to 60hz on exit).
First attempt at creating a PND file, seems okay except I can't get it to appear under Emulators in the menu despite setting <Category Name="Emulators"> (it will probably pop up under Other).
Any bugs let me know.
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February 5th, 2011, 02:10 Posted By: wraggster
submitted by Ivanovic Hi everyone!
As part of testing my toolchain I also added some support for qmake. Since I somehow had to test it I compiled SMPlayer (a frontend for mplayer). It seems to have worked so I directly packaged it.
The build is based on SMPlayer 0.6.9 without any further changes. It comes with the the same limitations that other mplayer frontends like GNOME MPlayer have on the Pandora: There is no hardware acceleration and when the video is playing you can see the menus (because of the behavior of the Xv implementation). To be able to use this program, you have to install mplayer, the easiest way to do so is installing the CodecPack. Beside this it is not possible to display anything wider than 800 pixel and higher than 480 pixel. So the max resolution is 800x480.
Beside this you will likely get some error message about mplayer exiting with an error while starting. I got no idea where this error message comes from, but it is clearly not harmful. You can just open a file like you usually would and it works.
Here is the download:
Download SMPlayer-0.6.9-1.pnd
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February 5th, 2011, 02:08 Posted By: wraggster
submitted by DingooDigitalUSA 4th batch of Caanoo with more then just a 4gb SD Card taking Pre-Orders now.....
Here we go taking pre-orders for this wonderful semi new portable gaming console with 4GB SDHC card and games installed it will be released Feb 21st, 2011 so don't wait...
Pre-order your today to guarntee your one of the first ones to be in on the fun!!!!
Remember this is a Pre-Order so the items will only ship once we get them in stock we will only take pre-orders till 8PM Central time Feb 17th, 2011
Best part is the price stays the same no drastic markup so your are basically getting the 4GB SDHC card and games free.....
The unit now comes with a 4GB SDHC Memory card with the following Games:
PGM (Sport Simulation)
Propis (Puzzle)
Rhythmos 10 songs (Rhythm Action)
Deicide 3 (RPG)
Redemption (RPG)
15 Arcade Games titles below:
Hell Fire, Truxton, Truxton II, Tiger-Heli,Twin Cobra, Zero Wing,Flying Shark, Twin Hawk,Out Zone,Snow Bros II,Slap Fight,
Pipis and BiBis, Get Star, Puzsion, Demons World.
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February 5th, 2011, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
News from the Pandora Team
Sorry for the lack of updates - I was pretty busy as you might've guessed.
I was working on building and shipping Pandoras as well as on the OS - Hotfix 5 Beta 4 is out, and seems to be pretty stable already. We're nearing for a final here!
Okay, back to building the actual Pandoras:
Things are still progressing nicely. The 250 PCBs Craig received have almost been assembled and the next shipment from CC is already on the way.
It's not the 500 they predicted but 300 PCBs, which is also a nice amount.
Why only 300?
You might've seen some posts about non-working shoulder buttons (which can luckily easily be fixed by yourself).
The cases are fine - but the L/R buttons weren't soldered very accurate. This lead to a LOT of manual labour (sometimes we needed 5 - 10 minutes per unit to get them working properly). And even with that manual labour, some didn't work properly after shipping.
We told CC to be more careful and accurate here, as this is very important. Well, not only are they more careful from now on, they also resoldered the boards they hadn't shipped to us yet - therefore, only 300 boards were ready.
Production is still without any stall, and we're really happy we're able to continue to ship more and more units.
Over half of Batch 1 is already delivered, which is pretty cool!
As usual, I'll keep you updated, but as it seems, it's still a smooth ride (finally) and no bigger issues occured.
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February 4th, 2011, 11:34 Posted By: wraggster

We said it at the Show and we'll say it again, Sony Ericsson just doesn't know how to keep a secret. One of its phones set for launch at Mobile World Congress 2011 has just slipped the net (again) and this time we have its full product name to boot, the Xperia Neo. You'll be familiar with this Android 2.3 handset already from mobile-review's thorough preview a couple of weeks ago, though at the time it was known under its codename of MT15i. This latest hands-on look at the hardware is similarly positive about the Neo, describing it as a well constructed phone and praising Sony's Android modifications as restrained and actually useful. Talk about a 180-degree turn from the way things used to be.
There's another reason to be excited about this phone, however. Back in December, Sony Ericssonregistered trademarks for Xperia Arc, Xperia Play, Xperia Neo, and... an Xperia Duo. We expect all four to be out and about at MWC this year, and we may have already seen the latter device in yet another bit of leaked photography.
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January 28th, 2011, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
Just spotted this news over at GBATemp
The Pandora may cost $499.99 after pre-orders have ended. The "private page" discovered by a secret ninja spy reveals an order form for parts and a much more expensive Pandora system. There is no information linking to a justification for the raised cost and the page itself may just be a test page with dummy information. We are asking, is the Pandora worth $500 USD? Contribute to the discussion and let us know your thoughts.
The Pandora is a great and very powerful console but 500 Dollars may be a tad too much?
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January 25th, 2011, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
News from the Pandora Team
Wow, what a weekend!
Besides having released a new beta version of the Pandora OS, featuring a lot of fixes and the latest 3D driver, about 8 games have been released as well by community members, mainly mcobit and sebt3. Thanks a bunch!
As we suspected - as soon as more Pandoras are going to you guys, new software will appear pretty fast.
Well, speaking of Pandoras - not only new software has appeared.
Craig also received the next 250 Pandora PCBs from CC, 60 more are on the way (included with some iCP parts we got from them) and according to CircuitCo, 500 more will leave the factory next Friday.
That would mean that over 1000 PCBs have been produced in January - that's quite a number!
Of course I'll let you know as soon as I got some new information
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January 24th, 2011, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster

Classic gaming on the go is more or less old-hat for many smartphone platforms, but Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 is still playing catch-up. Latest addition is this Game Boy emulator, running in Silverlight courtesy of Samuel Blanchard, who created the video below and then triple-letterboxed it for your squinting pleasure. Right now it is still a work in progress, unable to save your in-game progress and needing some further polish, but it certainly looks like it runs well enough -- though hopefully he gets that aspect ratio fixed before offering this up for download.
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