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November 30th, 2010, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
News from the official website
If you followed the threads at the official board, these news are nothing new for you, but I'd like to post them here for you as well.
The new nubs had been a success! 150 nubs had been tested from the mass production run and not a single one failed! So, yes, 100% sounds like a good rate for the nubs (from the old one, 25% failed right from the beginning).
The full mass production for the new nubs is already running. On Thursday, 2000 were already finished, so I guess about 2000 should be finished right now already.
According to the company in Texas, 2000 boards should be ready and just waiting for the nubs - and we're going to find out if that's true soon as one of the members in the community (a late 1st batcher) lives right around the corner of the factory and will hopefully visit them this week and check out if the production is fine. We are waiting for an appointment from the CEO to find out when he can visit.
Cases are prepared with LCDs and keymats in UK already, nubs now working properly, it's all up to the board production company now - and we're going to take a close watch at them.
We won't make a christmas break by the way - as long as we have parts to assemble units, we will do so. Also during christmas days!
I'll keep you updated
To remind you why you've been waiting for so long, I started doing daily videos - until delivery of the Pandoras will finally resume.
You can find them on my YouTube-Account, on the official Facebook-Page or at this website (also as 720p MP4-Download).
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November 26th, 2010, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
Researchers from security firm SecTheory have described a handful of flaws in webOS, saying that the platform -- by its very nature -- is more prone to these sorts of things than its major competitors because Palm puts web technologies like JavaScript closer to webOS' core where system functions are readily accessible. At least one of the flaws, involving a data field in the Contacts app that can be exploited to run arbitrary code, has already been fixed in webOS 2.0 -- but the others are apparently still open, including a cross-site scripting problem, some sort of floating-point overflow issue, and a denial-of-service vector. We imagine Palm will get these all patched up sooner or later, but as SecTheory's guys point out, how long is it until mobile malware becomes a PC-sized problem?
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November 26th, 2010, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://boards.openpandora.org/index....te-2010-11-25/
Michael gave the GO for the mass production on the new nubs on Sunday, and 2000 have already been produced.
We are waiting for an update on when they'll ship to Texas, but it should probably be early next week.
I mentioned that we have some community member (a late first-batcher) who can go and visit the board production company.
We wanted him to visit before the short thanksgiving-holidays, however, the CEO of the company wasn't in office for the whole week so they didn't let him in, but we'll try to get him there next week (for a report and pictures).
Let's hope they've been producing boards. They claim they have - but I only trust the community and what I can see on pictures. However, as soon as the nubs arrive, there's no excuse for them anymore.
I'll keep you up-to-date with any news I get.
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November 22nd, 2010, 17:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://0xff.akop.org/2010/11/22/spar...-2-1-released/
A new version of Spark is has been released to Android Market. New in this version:
» Added motto display for Friends
» Added communication blocking
» Added encryption for account credentials. New accounts will store username and password preferences in encrypted form. To encrypt existing accounts, briefly open Account Settings, and press Login Settings. Press Back to save (you don’t need to modify anything)
» Made some changes to scrolling activities to fix the “repeating items” bug some people are experiencing. Since I’m unable to reproduce this bug (I test on MyTouch 3G, Nexus One and emulators), I would appreciate some feedback from those of you who do routinely experience repeating items
» Fixed various other bugs
» Removed unused app permissions
Find the new version at Android Market.
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November 21st, 2010, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://boards.openpandora.org/index....554#entry11554
Well, been a while since the last post, but I didn't want to post anything before I had some reliable results.
As I mentioned in a few posts already, we didn't get the full amount of nubs yet - the nubs company persisted on producing 200 for testing for us first.
While we wished they would've done the full amount already, it's also understandable: So far, they produced 20000 nubs which they had to destroy since they didn't work. They did this on their costs, so they really wanted to let us test them first before they lose a lot more money.
Anyways, 20 nubs arrived at Michaels place on Wednesday and 150 at the board company. Funny, even UPS delays Pandora stuff (Shipped: Monday from California via Overnight Air and arrived on Wednesday... oh well).
The board company soldered the nubs on some boards and tested them while Michael used his test jig to test the ones he got.
Now for the good news: Not a single nub acted up, jumped around, felt gritty or needed special calibration, they had a 100% success rate!
So, yay, time to produce the rest of the needed nubs!
The only thing left to worry about right now is if the board company is doing their job well.
Thankfully, we have one of the late 1st batchers living just around the corner - and he agreed to go visit them and check on the production.
Last week didn't work out (the company was too busy to show him around), but we'll try to make sure he can go in before thanksgiving holidays and hopefully comes back with pictures of thousands of boards!
About the current schedule: As the nubs arrived later than they should (we were expecting all needed ones last week), we need to get a new schedule by the company.
I'm not sure how much it changes - if we're lucky, only the delivery of the first 1000 boards will be delayed, as they could've rearranged the production and produce more of the other boards instead of putting the nubs on.
We'll post an update about the schedule as soon as we get one.
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November 21st, 2010, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for Pandora
compiled and packaged for the pandora by Chris_C
use B to fire
use X to power up
cursor keys to move
fn-q (esc) to quit to menu
This is probably one of the best examples I've ever played of an arcade shooter - slick looks nice and is fun!
NB this is a bug fix release - spurious key events were causing the sound to fade out...
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November 18th, 2010, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://0xff.akop.org/2010/11/15/spar...-2-0-released/
Spark version 2.0 is now out. It’s a proprietary app, available on Android Market for $1.50 (plus tax, if you live in California).
New features include support for the recent changes, as well as:
» New Xbox-y application theme
» Proper treatment of Free and Gold accounts (Free accounts can’t send messages)
» Box art for each game, instead of an icon
» Game website launching – long-press on a game to open its site
» Faster profile update
» Faster message sending
» Faster friend request management (adding, removing, etc.)
» More tolerant parser (many errors are no longer fatal, and will merely omit the missing information)
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November 13th, 2010, 12:37 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for Pandora
Credit to Sience (http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingux-...%29-v20100330/) for most of the work
Running pretty well; for now there is no ASM CPU cores in place, so try overclocking to keep speed up where needed. This will be remedied once someone finds the time and energy to work on things.
This emulator should run all games at full speed pretty easily if you overclock a little. Press SPACE to bring up the menu. (The menu lets you change scaling mode, display FPS, quit, and more to come.)
Feel free to get yourself a checkout of it yourself and improve the emulator:
* get a checkout using the URL mentioned in the README inside the pnd
* cd into the checkout dir
* make -f Makefile.pandora
(or, to directly create a pnd)
* make -f Makefile.pandora pnd
You have to edit Makefile.pandora and put in the correct path in the var TOOLCHAINDIR though.
Changes in v20101111:
* Added Scale2x support for LoRes games. This is basically the "normal" mode with some slight smoothing, speed is close to "2x2 no-AA" mode. Thanks to Pickle for implementing this.
* Fixed display of HiRes games in 2x2 mode, now *real* HiRes is used there (meaning that fonts should look decent now!).
Changes in v20101106:
* Added smooth scaling support for LowRes games. This currently requires massive overclocking (>=800MHz) to run rather smooth. Thanks to WizardStan for implementing this.
Changes in v20101028:
* Now all games, no matter if NTSC or PAL, LowRes or HiRes should be completely centered.
* Tiny performance improvements.
Changes in v20101027:
* Center the screen when playing a HiRes game (eg Secret of Mana).
* Implement 3x2 display mode for HiRes games.
Known bugs:
* The menu does look a little strange every now and then, especially when switching between 3x2 and 2x2 mode.
* There is no way (yet) to save preferences for the display mode.
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November 13th, 2010, 12:32 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for Pandora
A port of GnuBoy.
Supports SRAM, up to 10 savestates, fullscreen scaling, proportional scaling.
Plays GB and GBC games.
Press 0 - 9 to select savestate slot, L to load and S to save.
Press Q for Quit.
* Launcher;
You'll start navigation in /media/ so you can select your SD Card and select any rom directory you want.
* DPad: Scroll up / down (left / right for Quick scrolling)
* B to run a game
* X to go back one directory
* ESC to Quit
* You can use the keyboard buttons to jump to a letter.
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November 9th, 2010, 02:35 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.openpandora.org/index.php...emid=2&lang=en
The broken nubs really caused us a lot of issues - besides giving a bad reputation, it cost a lot of money to handle RMAs and it took a while to produce and test new ones.
The new ones are now in production! There was a mass production test run of 100 samples which seem to work fine so far. The full amount of needed nubs is planned to arrive at the board production company in Texas until November 12th.
The new ones are way more robust. The old ones didn't even survive 100K cycles of stresstesting before they died - the new ones survive about 450K cycles. And even if they tear after those cycles, they still mostly work.
Another problem that should be history.
The production company did give us a nice schedule now to finish the rest of the needed 3000 boards.
A more detailed schedule can be found on the current status-page, however, the most important dates probably are:
November 24th: The first 1000 boards ship to UK.
December 1st: The second 1000 boards ship to UK.
December 15th: The third 1000 boards ship to UK.
Could it be production will run smoothly now...? We sure hope so, but only time will tell.
So far, please continue to support us! Thanks a lot!
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November 9th, 2010, 02:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://boards.openpandora.org/index....le-2010-11-04/
A few days have passed and we got some more informations.
The test mass production run of the nubs is currently running and the first 100 nubs are being tested right now.
The real mass production should be happening next week and the first shipment is due to arrive in Texas November 10th / 11th.
Also, it seems like hinting the board production company we might move to a new site made them wake up.
They are planning the delivery in three batches.
It takes a little more than a week to solder 2000 nubs on 1000 boards (and test them), the first shipment of 1000 boards therefore is scheduled for November 24th.
(More exact: Installing the nubs will happen from November 15th to November 19th, testing from November 16th to November 22nd, packaging those up will happen November 23rd).
The second shipment of 1000 boards is scheduled for December 1st and the third shipment for December 15th.
We didn't sell 4000 units (as that would be totally crazy, you always have to keep some for RMAs), so it could be that most of you will have their unit just before christmas, while the last few ones will follow shortly after.
Please note: This is the schedule from the board production company, not our estimations. It sounds doable though and we never got such a nice and clean schedule about the planned production yet.
Let's all hope for a smooth ride... would really ease my (and the rest of the teams) mind
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November 9th, 2010, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for Pandora
Credit to Sience (http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingux-...%29-v20100330/) for most of the work
Running pretty well; for now there is no ASM CPU cores in place, so try overclocking to keep speed up where needed. This will be remedied once someone finds the time and energy to work on things.
This emulator should run all games at full speed pretty easily if you overclock a little. Press SPACE to bring up the menu. (The menu lets you change scaling mode, display FPS, quit, and more to come.)
Feel free to get yourself a checkout of it yourself and improve the emulator:
* get a checkout using the URL mentioned in the README inside the pnd
* cd into the checkout dir
* make -f Makefile.pandora
(or, to directly create a pnd)
* make -f Makefile.pandora pnd
You have to edit Makefile.pandora and put in the correct path in the var TOOLCHAINDIR though.
Changes in v20101106:
* Added smooth scaling support for LowRes games. This currently requires massive overclocking (>=800MHz) to run rather smooth. Thanks to WizardStan for implementing this.
Changes in v20101028:
* Now all games, no matter if NTSC or PAL, LowRes or HiRes should be completely centered.
* Tiny performance improvements.
Changes in v20101027:
* Center the screen when playing a HiRes game (eg Secret of Mana).
* Implement 3x2 display mode for HiRes games.
Known bugs:
* The menu does look a little strange every now and then, especially when switching between 3x2 and 2x2 mode.
* There is no way (yet) to save preferences for the display mode.
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November 9th, 2010, 02:19 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for Pandora
GParted is a graphical partition editor for creating, reorganizing, and deleting disk partitions.
A disk device can be subdivided into one or more partitions. The GParted application enables you to change the partition organization on a disk device while preserving the contents of the partitions.
The GParted partition manager uses GNU libparted to detect and manipulate devices and partition tables.
Include support for :
- ext2/3/4
- fat
- ntfs
- hfs
- jfs
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November 9th, 2010, 02:19 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for Pandora
qOrganizer is a general organizer that includes a calendar with schedule,reminders,journal/notes for every day, to-do list.
But provides features useful for students such as:timetable and a booklet for marks and absences.It's designed to be easy to use.
It represents a new approach to an organizer, with several innovative features.
These features include:
-Innovative interface designed to be clear and simple
-Automatic saving of all data.
-Loud reminders
-A rich text journal for everyday in which you can even drag and drop images
-Searching through every entry in the journal and in the schedules
-A clear and simple to-do list ( general one, not for every day)
-A flexible timetable for students which even supports different content for odd and even weeks (this is used by universities)
-A student booklet in which the user can keep track of the marks he gets in school, it even calculates averages and stores the date when the mark was given.It also contains absences too.
-The ability to print any page (the calendar, the to-do list, the timetable and the booklet are separate pages)
-The ability to choose the storing mode: text files, sqlite database or MySQL database over the network.
-The ability to upload the stored data to an FTP server and download it. This is usefull, because the user can access the data wherever he is.
-Ability to save between storing modes(so the risk of data loss is even lower)
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November 4th, 2010, 02:28 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://boards.openpandora.org/index....ry-2010-10-31/
Well, since some guys only visit the boards once a week, I thought it might be a good idea summarizing things.
Batch 1:
•Boards: According to the board production company in Texas, the boards should all be finished in time (when the nubs arrive). We hope this is true, but that's what they claim.
•Nubs: Michael got the samples of the new version. So far they look fine. A mass production run is about to start on Monday, and those nubs will ALL be tested. If they pass, the real mass production run start. We expect the nubs to arrive in about 7 - 10 days at the board production company in Texas.
•Cases: 2000 are lying in UK, ready to get stocked with the boards. The rest 1000 should be there within the next few weeks (so in time with the boards).
Batch 2:
•Basically, everything for Batch 2 is prepared and ready to go right after Batch 1. So if the board company sticks to their promise, they should start soon, as well.
•In case the board company is too slow with producing the units, we're also looking into another new company to produce Pandoras. Whether they both produce boards (faster) or only one will produce the boards in the future is something we'll find out (depending on reliability and speed). We'll keep you posted.
Other misc things:
•We're looking in having the nubs socketed, so they can be easily replaced in the future. If the planned design works, they will be completely compatible with the current boards, so if any nubs fail on Batch 1 or 2 units, they can be replaced with the socketed versions.
•The WiFi module manufacturer has just been sent a Pandora to help us find out what issues we have. Might be a calibration issue, which would be great, as then they only need to calibrate a unit, send us the files and we can tell the driver to load it. notaz has also been working on WiFi and fixed the stalls! So most units should work pretty good with this new driver (soon to be released).
•We're also looking into making the LCD cables more robust. So far, except for about 5 (out of 600), only the ones if the first units have failed - but better be safe than sorry. The new cables will of course be compatible, so in case yours will ever fail, you'll get a new more robust one.
That's it for now
I'll try to keep you updated.
And thanks for sticking with us - we're trying hard improving all the issues we currently have
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