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November 4th, 2010, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://boards.openpandora.org/index....bs-2010-10-28/
A bunch of nubs (the new samples) just arrived at Michaels home and of course he immediately started to test them.
So far, they seem to work pretty well. They all calibrate nicely (some take 1 - 2 seconds to do so) and they haven't lost calibration yet.
He's doing more tests to really check them out, but it's looking good.
We're also trying to get the company to pay the labor costs for all the broken nubs so far, however, we need your help for that.
If you're having a Pandora with non-working nubs you want to exchange but have NOT sent them back to your distributor yet, PLEASE contact them!
You do NOT have to send your Pandora back immediately, you can wait until the new nubs are finished and everything has been arranged, but we need to tell the company in advance how much the damage is - and therefore we need to know the number of nubs we need to exchange.
Please make the subject "Broken Nub" and don't expect an eMail back soon - we just need to gather the amount of nubs needed to be exchanged.
Please only report if you have broken nubs. If yours work fine, there's no need to report to us yet.
As usual, we'll keep you informed
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November 4th, 2010, 02:26 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://boards.openpandora.org/index....er-2010-10-25/
Well, we just got some new timeline for the further production of the new nubs.
As promised a week ago, basically everything is setup for mass production.
The sample run will happen during the next days and these parts will ALL be inspected to work.
(Remember that a lot of nubs didn't work properly from the very beginning? We don't want that to happen again.)
After that, some sample is being sent to Michael (probably end of this week / beginning of next week).
If he approves it, then the real mass production run can start, which should only take a 1 - 1,5 weeks until all needed nubs have been produced.
Let's hope the board procuction company is on par with the nubs, and then delivery should resume again - and hopefully way faster than before (well, it all depends on the board company, as we've already setup everything we can so far).
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November 4th, 2010, 02:21 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for Pandora

Pushover is a fun puzzle game originally published by Ocean in 1992. In this game you control an ant that can walk along platforms that are connected with ladders. On those platforms are dominos that need to fall according to some rules.
* All dominos must fall and none must crash into another
* One special domino must fall as last domino and that domino triggers the exit door to open when you enter the exit door the level has been completed
* You may rearrange as many dominos as you want, except for the trigger. You may not place dominos in front of the doors, except for the vanishing domino.
* You may push push once to start a chain reaction with the dominos leading to the fall of all of them
* All this has to be done within a time limit (which is normally generous)
* There are 10 different dominos that behave differently when pushed, some fall, some not, some wait a bit before they fall, some raise, some toppler until they meet an obstacle
* There is a help in the game and introductory levels that show how all the dominos work
Repackaged to PND from Angstrom repository see at http://www.angstrom-distribution.org...gname=pushover
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November 4th, 2010, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for Pandora

It is about car racing. 7 different tracks, many cars, night racing and many more. Translated to English. It is possible to run the game under Linux - native port. The game was so sucessfull, that some hackers created text, how to crack the game to get more money in singleplayer :-)
The game offers training and also career playing. Two player can play on the same machine using split screen.
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October 28th, 2010, 15:43 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://boards.openpandora.org/index....er-2010-10-25/
Well, we just got some new timeline for the further production of the new nubs.
As promised a week ago, basically everything is setup for mass production.
The sample run will happen during the next days and these parts will ALL be inspected to work.
(Remember that a lot of nubs didn't work properly from the very beginning? We don't want that to happen again.)
After that, some sample is being sent to Michael (probably end of this week / beginning of next week).
If he approves it, then the real mass production run can start, which should only take a 1 - 1,5 weeks until all needed nubs have been produced.
Let's hope the board procuction company is on par with the nubs, and then delivery should resume again - and hopefully way faster than before (well, it all depends on the board company, as we've already setup everything we can so far).
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October 28th, 2010, 15:31 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for Pandora
Credit to Sience (http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingux-...%29-v20100330/) for most of the work 
Running pretty well; for now there is no ASM CPU cores in place, so try overclocking to keep speed up where needed. This will be remedied once someone finds the time and energy to work on things.
This emulator should run all games at full speed pretty easily if you overclock a little. Press SPACE to bring up the menu. (The menu lets you change scaling mode, display FPS, quit, and more to come.)
Feel free to get yourself a checkout of it yourself and improve the emulator:
svn co svn://zwischenwelt.org:20684/dingoo/Snes9x-sdl-1.39ff
cd Snes9x-sdl-1.39ff
make -f Makefile.pandora
(or, to directly create a pnd)
make -f Makefile.pandora pnd
You have to edit Makefile.pandora and put in the correct path in the var TOOLCHAINDIR though.
Changes in v20101027:
* Center the screen when playing a HiRes game (eg Secret of Mana).
* Implement 3x2 display mode for HiRes games.
Known bugs:
* The menu does look a little strange every now and then, especially when switching between 3x2 and 2x2 mode.
* There is no way (yet) to save preferences for the display mode.
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October 22nd, 2010, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
Rovio Mobile might be seizing headlines for the three million downloads of its Angry Birds game on Android this week, but the company is targeting other smartphones too.
The full Symbian version of Angry Birds has gone live on Nokia's Ovi Store, and is available to buy now.
Yes, that's 'buy'. At the present time, it's only the Android version of the game that is free and ad-supported, thanks to Rovio's deal with Google.
The Ovi Store version of the game costs £3, which may disappoint users, considering that the iPhone version costs 59p - despite having 195 levels to the Ovi version's 105.
Nokia has already confirmed that the Symbian version will be one of the first games to make use of Ovi Store's soon-to-launch in-app payments capability.
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October 22nd, 2010, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
The Virgin Media Player app gives access to mobile-optimised content from 4oD, Comedy Central, MTV and Nickelodeon. It can also be downloaded from the Ovi store by Virgin customers on any mobile network.
Interestingly the N8 also comes pre-loaded with BBC iPlayer and YouTube apps so there's ample opportunity to use it to watch TV/film.
Jonathan Kini, director of mobile at Virgin Media, said: “The Nokia N8 is a fantastic entertainment handset and the perfect launch partner for our new Virgin Media Player app. With more and more consumers enjoying entertainment on the go, the combination of the Virgin Media Player service and the Nokia N8 provide a compelling way for consumers to keep up with their favourite shows.”
Earlier this year the company launched its Virgin Media Player, which can already be accessed through the Virgin Media Mobile portal to deliver TV On Demand through video-capable handsets.
The Nokia N8 is available from free from £40 on a Virgin Media pay monthly tariff.
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October 22nd, 2010, 01:39 Posted By: wraggster
News from http://boards.openpandora.org/index....on-2010-10-20/
Well, it's more than time for an update on the board production site.
Michael had a conference call today with the company, and here is what they told us:
Over 2000 boards are finished with SMT populating.
The last 1000 boards are half finished (SMT populating only on one side yet).
Over 1000 boards have already been tested (well, except for the nubs).
While not all 3000 are finished yet, if what they tell is true, they should be finished when the nubs arrive.
We're currently also working together with another company that is VERY interested in the whole Pandora project.
If sales go higher we might need more than one company to actually produce the boards, as the capacity of the current one would be full.
Also, the given deadline have not been held yet (they wanted all boards finished except for the nubs on Monday). We need reliable deadlines if we want to give reliable lead times in the future. It just adds to our costs if parts, etc. are there and paid but the production did not finish in time.
But first, everything needs to be setup and test runs have to be made before we can say we will switch. This happens parallel to the production by the old company.
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October 22nd, 2010, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for Pandora
PND Here
No source code changes from scintilla.org scite221.tgz were needed.
Compiled with prefix=/mnt/utmp/scite . All files in the pnd are writable by user, so you can open the global options file and edit it directly in scite (no need for editing as root). Also, I recommend that you do your option modifications to the global options file, because that is in the appdata. If you create an user options file that will be written to your home directory (propably on NAND), but since that doesnt happen automatically and is avoidable I decided not to change the scite home dir to appdata.
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